Seminar NLP for Computational Humanities
This seminar covers the applications of methods in Text Mining and Natural Language Processing in (Computational) Humanities.
In this seminar, you will:
- Select one of the offered subtopics on text mining for humanities.
- Read, understand and explore scientific literature (start from the offered papers and expand to explore related work)
- Organize the collected knowledge for a meaningful presentation about your topic (15 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A)
- Summarize your topic in a concise report (6 - 8 pages + references)
Kick-off date: to be announced
Topics for SoSe 2023:
NLP (adaptation) for historical texts
Language models for NLP on historical texts
Starting Paper: MacBERTh: Development and Evaluation of a Historically Pre-trained Language Model for English (1450-1950) (Manjavacas Arevalo & Fonteyn, NLP4DH 2021)
Transfer learning for NER on historical texts
Starting Papers:
- Transferring Modern Named Entity Recognition to the Historical Domain: How to Take the Step?(Blouin et al., NLP4DH 2021)
- Batavia asked for advice. Pretrained language models for Named Entity Recognition in historical texts. (Arnoult et al., LaTeCHCLfL 2021)
NLP in literary analysis
Identification of key paragraphs
Starting Paper: Lotte and Annette: A Framework for Finding and Exploring Key Passages in Literary Works (Arnold & Jäschke, NLP4DH 2021)
Data bias in literary classification
Starting Paper: Measuring the Effects of Bias in Training Data for Literary Classification (Bagga & Piper, LaTeCHCLfL 2020)
Analysis of translated literature
Starting Papers:- TL-Explorer: A Digital Humanities Tool for Mapping and Analyzing Translated Literature (Zhai et al., LaTeCHCLfL 2020)
- Translationese in Russian Literary Texts (Kunilovskaya et al., LaTeCHCLfL 2021)